Hit A Wall?

Adam Can Help You Break Through.

Mental Wall
noun | men-tal wah-l

A psychological barrier that prevents you from achieving success.

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A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who makes you see what you don’t want to see, so that you can be who you always knew you could be.”
– Tom Landry

Everyone Needs A Coach: Athletes, Business Executives,
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What You Get:

* Adam Will Identify What Is Stopping You From Accomplishing Your Goals.
* You Get Weekly 1-Hour Calls With Adam To Peel Back The Union And Help You Unblock The Mental Walls That Are *Stopping You From Getting Ahead
*It’s a 6-12 month process and You Are Guaranteed To See Results.
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There are 21 Types of Mental Walls:

  1. Your Head – You are stuck in your head (a familiar way of looking at the world) that you fail to see other options
  2. Fear Wall– Fear is a very powerful and very common mental wall that we all have to deal with in some capacity
  3. Pain Wall– Most people run from pain like the plague. The problem is that success is on the other side of pain.
  4. Short-Term Thinking Wall– There are three types of consequence to every decision you make: Short, Intermediate & Long. Most people get caught up with the short-term that they sacrifice the long-term. Ex: Eat the cake, feels good now, but is bad for you in the long-term. Ex 2: Going to the gym is painful so I won’t do it now but is bad for you in the long-term
  5. Adulting Wall (Overcome Childish Behavior) – Adulting is a new word that means “grow up.” Dr. Sigmund Freud said become famous when he pointed out we all have unmet childhood wants and needs for attention that we have to “renounce” in order to grow up.
  6. Be Responsible Wall (Stop Playing The Victim)  – Most people love to blame others. In fact, it’s much easier to blame others than to take responsibility for your actions/behavior. By definitions, victims are helpless and don’t succeed.
  7. Emotional Wall – We all have to deal with our emotions. Introspection is one of the most powerful actions one can take because an honest look at yourself is very powerful and will help you grow.
  8. Limiting Beliefs Wall – Most people have limiting beliefs and think they are “not good enough.” After Oprah retired she said the one thing that jumped out at her after all years is that everyone asked her after the interview, how’d I do? Presidents, movie stars, CEOs, all the way down to everyday people, have an innate desire to feel accepted and know they did well.
  9. Truthful Wall – Most people prefer to lie, than tell the truth. It’s easier to lie than deal with the issue. The problem with this is that it is destructive behavior and counter productive. Instead of lying, seek honest/truthfulness in all your endeavors.
  10. Lousy Habits Wall – Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Most people have lousy habits. Success can come from changing your destructive habits and adopting positive/healthy habits.
  11. Self-Control Wall – Most people say one thing but do another. Meaning, I tell people not to stay up late, but I stay up late. Or I tell people don’t do drink but I drink, etc. etc. Having self-control is paramount to becoming successful in life.
  12. Anchoring Wall – Anchoring is a cognitive bias that explains how most people rely too heavily on the first piece of information offered (the “anchor”) when making decisions.
  13. Confirmation Wall – Confirmation bias occurs when people look at new information subjectively, not objectively. Meaning, people tend to look at information that supports their existing beliefs or theories and dismiss information that disagrees with their beliefs (even if it is true).
  14. Information Wall – This happens when people spend hours and hours looking for information even when it cannot affect action. How many times have you spent a whole day staring at the computer surfing the internet without getting anything “done.”
  15. Loss Aversion Wall – This happens when you feel more pain with giving up an object than the pleasure of acquiring it. This happens a lot and is why people have a hard time “letting go.”
  16. Drama/Chaos Wall – Some people tend to thrive on drama, negative, and/or chaos. So they do consciously or unconsciously do negative/destructive things that hurt themselves or others to create drama, negativity, or chaos.
  17. Empathy Wall – This happens when you don’t believe you deserve something or underestimate the influence or strength of feelings, in either oneself or others. Remember the movie Wayne’s World when Garth said, “I’m not worthy.”
  18. Deposition Wall – The tendency to sell an asset that has gone up in value and not selling an asset that has fallen in value. This is exactly the opposite traits to the laws of accumulating wealth. The best investors in the world keep their losses small and let their winners run.
  19. Attention Wall – Someone said, attention is the brain’s currency. How you spend it matters. Your perception of events (to you and to others) can change depending on your recurring thoughts and where you focus your attention.
  20. Ego Wall – People have egos (Shocker, I know). Their egos prevent them from admitting they are wrong and taking the necessary action to righting their wrong. Additionally, their egos make most people think “that won’t happen to me” so they don’t prepare for a negative outcome. Then when it happens, they are devastated or caught severely off guard. Statistically, 50% of marriages end in divorce, however, if you ask 100 newlyweds how many of you think you will get divorced, no one raises their hand (ego kicks in, it’s not going to happen to me).
  21. Bias Wall – This happens when people see themselves as less biased than other people, or to be able to identify more problems, mental walls, or cognitive biases in others than in oneself.

Believe it or not, financial success depends on your emotional state and how you think. These are just a few of the 21 cognitive biases investment coach Adam Sarhan has identified as detrimental to anyone trying to grow their business, get out of debt, advance their career, or invest wisely. Let an investment coach identify your psychological barriers and help you finally bust through them.


Top 3 Reasons You Need an Investment Coach

Our investment coach will identify your mental walls on the first call, talk to you about your goals and assess what you need to get there. More, more, more.

If you need to get out of debt:

 – It’s not going to happen by itself

If you’re trying to grow your business:

 – It’s not going to happen by itself

If you’re looking for investment advice:

 – It’s not going to happen by itself

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  1. Katie Jones – “I have been trading stocks for 18 years and learned more about myself with Adam in 3 hours than I did on my own in nearly 20 years! If you are serious about getting ahead, I can’t recommend this service enough”
  2. James Jenger – “Really Eye Opening!”
  3. Marshall E. Ginkerman – “I run a small business and have to say the introspection that Adam offers is second to none. He has a unique ability to simplify complex subjects and get to the bottom of what really matters!”
  4. Don Williams – “I was skeptical at first but fell in love with Adam’s process after the first session!”
  5. Jennifer Wright – “If you don’t know Adam, just google him and you can see the success he has enjoyed. I want to learn from someone successful and there is no better person I can think of.”

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