$10,000 Best Idea Contest

Do You Have What It Takes?

 1. Enter Your Single Best Trading Idea Right Now

2. Tell Us Why

3. The Best Idea Will Win $10K

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

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*Contest Rules:

1. You must be over 18 yrs old. No obligation or automatic enrollment of any sort on your part.
2. One idea per email.
3. Your idea must be fairly liquid & can not be a penny stock…
4. Your idea must be legal under current US law & must be expressed in a publicly traded market/security
5. Limit Your “Why” to 750 words
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Contest Background?
Sarhan Capital is a boutique investment firm that is constantly looking for talent (people and ideas). Since the early 2000’s, Sarhan Capital has run this contest privately with a much smaller prize. Some of the best trading ideas come from the contest and we are always looking for great ideas. In 2013, the firm decided to make the contest public (via social media) and we will see what ideas emerge.
2. Any Obligation or Risk For Entering?
There is absolutely no risk for entering the contest. You will not be automatically added to a newsletter and all your information is 100% confidential. We respect your privacy and will not use, or share, any of your info with anyone, unless you say otherwise.
3. Any Requirements or Fine Print?
The only requirements are the 5 rules mentioned above. No fine print or catch of any sort.
4. Who Judges The Contest?
Sarhan Capital’s executive committee selects the top 5 ideas and Adam Sarhan picks the winner.
5. How Is the Winner Paid?
Sarhan Capital will mail a check to the winner at the end of the contest.
6. Why Such A Large Prize?

The word large is relative. One good idea will more than cover the prize and then some. Sarhan Capital invests real money behind the best idea. If correct, the investment should return at least 5-10x the prize, if not more. Prior year’s winning ideas have surged +247%, +183%, 83%, 127%, and +192% in 12-18 months.
7. Am I Allowed to Trade My Idea?

Of course…The winning idea will not be made public and you have the right to do anything you want with your idea.
8. Do All Winning Ideas Work?

No…like any other idea in the market, anything is possible. Some of our prior winning ideas have not materialized….but most have worked over a 12-18 month horizon.
9. Why Should I Participate?
For a chance to win 10k. We ask you to only participate if you have a great idea and can explain why it is great. If not, please do not participate.
10. Does It Cost Me Anything To Enter?
No. The contest is free to everyone. Only thing you need to do is enter your idea and explain why above.
11. When Will The Contest End & Will The Winner Be Announced Publicly?
The contest usually runs for a few weeks but can last for a few months. It all depends on your feedback. A decision will be made before Jan 1. It is up to the winner if he/she wants to be announced publicly.
12. Duration and Scope of The Idea?
There are no hard limits to the duration or scope of the idea. It can be any individual stock, security, sector, theme, etc. The only requirements are listed above under contest rules.

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