
Sarhan Capital- A Decade In Review (2000-2009)

Dear Friends:
At the close of another year, Sarhan Capital would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to all of our clients, partners, and readers around the world for helping to make our work possible.  While still a relatively young Wall Street firm, Sarhan Capital has taken great strides in this decade and in 2009 and we would like to share some of our successes with you:

  1. October 2004- The Sarhan Analysis, our flagship research note, was launched.
  2. 2005- First multi million dollar account was opened and we expanded our services to the institutional community
  3. 2006- Launched Sarhan Consulting to better serve the growing demand and first of many media quotes.
  4. 2007- First speaking tour to investor groups around the country.
  5. 2008- Put us on the map because while capital markets across the globe imploded- our model account vaulted +55% in ’08 and doubled since inception (10/04)!
  6. Q3 2008- Opened our first multi-billion dollar client.
  7. 2009- Launched FindLeadingStocks.comAS Analysis and re-branded all our services under the social media friendly site:
  8. 2009- Enjoyed record revenue & earnings.
  9. 2010 and Beyond- Thankfully, we are very well positioned as a young boutique investment firm (with no debt) that offers a suite of services to both individual and institutional clients. We are very optimistic about our future and are truly humbled by your support and patronage.

Many skeptics believe that profitably navigating capital markets is an impossible feat. However, our clients have seen first hand that this is not only possible but can be repeated consistently. Sarhan Capital is working tirelessly to ensure that we not only stay ahead of the crowd, but thrive regardless of the underlying market condition. Sarhan Capital would not be here without our clients, partners, and readers continued support. For that, we would like to extend our most sincere gratitude.  We look forward to working more closely with many of you in 2010 and would like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2010!
Kind regards,
Adam Sarhan
Founder & CEO
Sarhan Capital
Twitter: @adamsarhan